Philosopher’s Club

Friday, January 10 @ 11:30am

Event ID - 61160
Pre-registration is encouraged.
For McKee Members only.

TOPIC: Does power and control influence effective leadership in Canadian organizations? What are the advantages / disadvantages both social and educational ?

  1. What is power and control? Can they be applied separately?If so, how and if not why?

  2. What is effective leadership? What are the attributes? Are stated mission, mandate and values important?

  3. Does inclusiveness and group teamwork matter? If so, why, and if not why?  Are there other considerations and if so, what are they?

  4. Is achieving a meaningful balance possible? If so how, it not why not?

Friday, February 7 @ 11:30am

Event ID - 61160
Pre-registration is encouraged.
For McKee Members only.

TOPIC: Should there be restrictions, for children, in their use of cell phones and computers, and, if so, how can we change this?

  1. What are the advantages / disadvantages both social and educational ?

  2. Can the critical support of educators, school boards and others be readily achieved?

  3. What position might parents or those with vested interests assume?

  4. How will society deal with this issue in future?

Friday, March 7 @ 11:30am

Event ID - 61160
Pre-registration is encouraged.
For McKee Members only.

TOPIC: What is religion?

  1. How long has it existed? Why?

  2. Is it necessary in this day & age? Why?

  3. Why are there religious differences in the world and what are some of them?

  4. Is one religion superior and why?

  5. Why are some religions very powerful in certain countries (e.g. Roman Catholics in Italy)?

  6. Is religion diminishing and becoming less important in certain countries? Why?

Past topics have included:

  • Individual freedoms

  • Happiness

  • Materialism psychology